Hello all!
Our Easter Egg Hunt event will be taking place on Saturday April 16th from 12PM to 4PM. We’ll have family-friendly entertainment on St. Clair, including, the Easter Bunny, balloonists, caricaturists and more!
Easter Egg Hunt:
We’re planning an Easter Egg Hunt! Participating street-level merchants will “hide” an Easter Egg in their storefronts. When the Easter Egg is found, you will receive a sticker for your Easter Egg Passport (Easter Egg Passports can be found either in your mail or as your walking down the street, or in participating businesses). Once the passport is completed, you will then bring the passport to the corner of Via Italia and St. Clair for a chance to win a Corso Italia gift card of your choice!
A Glimpse of our Easter Egg Passports:
We look forward to seeing you at our event!
Don’t forget to tag us on Instagram @CorsoItaliaBIA and we’ll repost!
– The Corso Italia BIA