What an event! Big thanks to the Easter Bunny and all the other entertainment for making the time in their very busy schedule to join us for our Easter Egg Hunt in Corso Italia event! Thanks too to all the families who came out to participate in our Easter Egg Hunt in the stores and restaurants along St. Clair West… what fantastic turn out from our community!
Another thank you goes out to our contributing Corso Italia business members who made smiles that much brighter on April 16th. Without our members this would not have been possible! Here are some photos from our event...
Don’t Forget to Stay Connected With Us!
Once again, thank you to all who came out and made Easter in Corso that much better! Don’t forget to stay connected with us, by following our social media accounts. Follow us on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook and if you took photos at the event, post them and tag us…
Thank You to All!
- Corso Italia BIA